
1, 2, 3 John & Revelation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letters of John are important. They give modern believers a snapshot of what life was like within the Christian community of Asia Minor in the first century. They point out that life was not always easy for Christians of the first and second generations. These three brief letters bring modern readers face to face with the external opposition as well as with the doctrinal errors and internal...

in any way. The concerns are about issues or persons external to the church. The first of these is the “blasphemy of the Jews,” as just discussed. The form of this is not stated but refers to Jews who had rejected Christ as Messiah. Some Jewish believers in Smyrna might have been expelled from the synagogue because of their faith in Christ. Among Jews, the synagogue was much more than a place of worship. It sponsored Jewish worship, culture, government, education, and other daily activities. A strong
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